Rankin and Mingle Dentistry dentist in Aurora Colorado Dr. Jennifer Rankin DDS Dr. Michael Mingle DDS

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Rankin and Mingle Dentistry


Do you want to look younger and have fuller lips without surgery? Facelifts are a thing of the past. Rankin & Mingle Dentistry offers the latest and greatest cosmetic technology, including non-surgical LipLase and Smoothlase. These procedures enhance your facial aesthetics, giving you a more youthful appearance and fuller lips – all without surgery! They work in harmony with your body by stimulating its natural collagen levels. 

Dr. Jennifer Rankin and Dr. Michael Mingle can help you love your appearance and benefit from a huge confidence boost.

What is Collagen and What Does It Do?

Collagen is a protein found in our bodies’ connective tissues, including our skin. It gives our skin its strength and elasticity. As we age, our collagen levels decrease, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. When this occurs on our face, it’s hard to hide.

Traditionally, options to correct these changes ranged from fillers to thread lifts to surgical face lifts. Unfortunately, these procedures have several downsides, including bruising, swelling, and time away from work and social activities.

But now, we offer focused laser energy technology that stimulates the natural growth of new collagen over time! LipLase and Smoothlase work by stimulating your body’s natural collagen production, resulting in firmer, smoother skin and fuller lips. 


More Kissable Lips with LipLase Lip Enhancement and Plumping

Do you ever wish your lips had more fullness but don’t want the downsides of injections? Dr. Jennifer Rankin and Dr. Michael Mingle are proud to offer LipLase ™, a surgery-free treatment method based on next-gen laser technology. LipLase uses laser energy to increase collagen production in the lips. 

The result is fuller, more youthful-looking lips. After several appointments, you can achieve fuller lips with a natural look and feel. 

Using our specialized laser, we heat the skin’s inner layers and stimulate the body’s natural collagen-producing process. During treatment, you’ll notice that your lips gradually become fuller and plumper – not to mention irresistibly kissable!


Non-surgical Facelift With Smoothlase

We also offer Smoothlase™, a new non-surgical, non-invasive procedure. Smoothlase uses a fractionalized laser and the body’s natural healing process to lift, tone, and tighten loose skin around the mouth, chin, and lips.

The laser’s safe, time-tested energy stimulates the skin’s deep structural support layers—typically addressed in a surgical facelift—without disturbing the skin’s surface. The laser also stimulates the natural development of collagen in these areas, resulting in a more youthful feel and appearance. The work is all done from inside the mouth. 

How Long Does Treatment Take?

LipLase and Smoothlase treatments are quick, easy, and comfortable. You can expect to feel a warm sensation during your treatment as the laser energy targets your skin. Each appointment takes around an hour from start to finish. And because there’s no surgery or recovery time, you can go about your day immediately after your appointment!

You will see gradual results throughout your treatment plan. Most patients see optimal results after 3-6 treatments. This means that you will notice some exciting changes you will love in just a short time. 


The Benefits of Non-surgical Face Lifts

These aesthetic solutions use no surgical methods to alter your body invasively. This technology works with your body instead of against it, so there are no adverse side effects such as bruising and misshapen lips. Non-surgical cosmetic procedures offer more natural-looking outcomes, are more affordable, carry fewer risks, and require less recovery time.



We also offer botox at our Aurora, Colorado facility. Over time as we use the muscles in our face, we develop wrinkles in places like crow’s feet around the eyes, furrowed forehead, those “eleven lines” between the eyes, and some creases around the lips.

Botox injections work by interrupting the signal for the muscles to contract. This allows the tissues to relax, reducing the wrinkles in the injected area. 

Treatments can be done at least every three months but can go longer depending on your biology. Staying on a consistent schedule will reduce the severity of the wrinkles when they return.


Next-Gen Wellness with Nonsurgical Face Lifts

Now there’s a way to stand firm in the face of gravity. You don’t have to undergo surgery to achieve the aesthetic you want. You can achieve natural and noticeable results — on your terms. With LipLase and SmoothLase, there’s no downtime, no foreign substances, no radical change, just a healthy revving-up on the inside for a natural, noticeable effect on the outside.

So what are you waiting for? Call today to schedule your appointment at 303-690-4000!